Shining, Shimmering, Splendid…

Yes, Aladdin… don’t you know me by now? 🙂 I know it’s been a ridiculously long time since I’ve blogged, but I’m just going to pretend a quarter of a year hasn’t passed since my last post and keep typing. So I’ve now made it through my first week at Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia, as a Public Relations Writer.

As such, I’ve

  • gotten 5 assignments,
  • finished 3 stories,
  • photographed 2 events,
  • and got suckered into 1 $11 lunch.

It wasn’t an easy 5 days, and there were plenty of almost-panic-attacks, but there were also moments in which my stomach fluttered a little and I caught myself marveling at the fact that this is my JOB! 🙂 I love everything about what I’m doing and while I recognize that there’s often a honeymoon period at the beginning of any new endeavor, I can see myself sticking it out with this one for a long time.

I’ve been trying to internalize these moments as snapshots of pure satisfaction and contentment, so I can remember how momentous this job, this move halfway across the country has been.

Everything about this move is right. The feeling reminds me very much of author Stacie Eldredge’s definition of Beauty: It speaks, “All is well, and all will be well.” With every friendly reunion and with every new face I meet, that is what I feel. All is well, and all will be well.

Of course, all will be better once Hubs arrives this week. He is still 6 days away from experiencing Virginia Beach as our new home and I can only hope and believe he will sense the same perfect rightness when he steps out of the rental truck onto Virginian soil. Yay for Happily Ever After 2.0!!


But as with every transition of this nature, the question is raised, what will we do with our time? That may not seem like an obvious question in light of a big move and new jobs, but time is our most valuable resource. If we don’t decide how to master it, time will master us. So when we’re not at our new jobs or looking for our new home, who are we going to be? what will we do? The prospect is both freeing and terrifying all at once. I have the rare opportunity to re-prioritze my life and all I know is this: Writing is getting a promotion.

There is still much adjusting to be done–moving, finding a second income, settling into our church community, etc. But when the haze clears, I know I’m going to like what I see. This new season is going to be a good one. Nay–a shining, shimmering, splendid time in our lives.

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